Design Expert, Marvel Guru, Awesome Guy!
My design superpower is the ability to grasp situations and context. I desire to understand how the full experience works. I skirt the line between the creative and the technical. I have the talent to fight for the best solution, yet can check my ego when things change or better ideas come into play. I'm not afraid to collaborate and communicate with people—users, business people, developers—anyone to create workable and deliverable products. I'm a rock 'n' roll geek, knowledgeable in all things comics and pop culture…
Online Teaching Center
Simplify forms & workflows to better record events
Design Strategy | User Flows | Wireframes | Prototyping | Usability Testing
Referral Manager
Dashboard design to better prioritize jobs to be done
Information Architecture | User Interviews | Wireframes | Prototyping | Usability Testing
Online to Local Collaboration
Building a solution to recognize calls from local missionaries
User Interviews | Wireframes | Prototyping | Usability Testing
Rainbird aQ
Commercial Ag tool redesign for future growth
Information Architecture | Design Strategy | Wireframes
Maverik Trip Planner
Enhancing app experience to show multiple locations
Competitive Analysis | Journey Mapping | Prototyping
OOOBi Soft
User interface clean up
Prototyping | UI Redesign